In the past days, California wines have been on the spotlight, so were wines bottled and sold in Quebec.
While talk shows and/or radio shows are inviting special guests to distinguish organic arsenic from ‘none natural’ arsenic, or defining which research studies are the most ‘reliable’ on the subject.
WE, as CONSUMERS, want more transparency to make our purchases especially what goes into our body.
We have gathered a few links for you.
The Daily Mail exposes the concerned brands with the allegation whereas the he Medical Daily reviews the evidence in a more scientific view.
As MARKETERS, we guide companies to develop products that meet consumers’ expectations and to bring them to market with strong but true features. These type of situations are more than embarassing, they are, well tell us what you think they are.
Want to know more? Read the Wine-Searcher article which gives information on “sustainable” wine production in California.
Send us links that support your thought before April 20th and will publish the overall findings with YOU.